Welcome to my Gallery 

Ordinary Street Life and Other Oddities - this is what I capture with my camera. As a Street Photographer looking for candid motives, I tend to remain on the treshold of a scene. Standing in a doorway or in front of a window, I am witnessing it, observing it and yet, I am not a part of it. I am moving between worlds, noticing subtle reflections, shadows and patterns which I then integrate into the composition. That‘s the slow approach.

There are also situations when I don‘t have time to plan the outcome at all. You have to see, react and press the shutter in an instant. Street Photography requires you to be unconditionally present in the Here and Now - this is what I love about it. All senses heightened, you need to catch the magic moment before it dissipates.

Please take your time and enjoy the selection of images presented on the following pages. For more insights and information on my work, check my Blog, too.